This week I also did research on the children of Ethiopia. Below I will list facts about some of the childhood stressors that the children of Ethiopia have to endure. This facts are straight from the website Feel free to share this information and help out if you can.
Poverty- "more than 94.7% of its population earns less than two dollars per day. Droughts lead to food shortages throughout the country; most of the population survives through food distribution programs led by international organizations" (Busuttil, 2012).
Health Care-"Ethiopia has a high rate of infant mortality: there are an estimated 104 deaths per thousand births. These deaths are usually due to treatable illnesses such as pneumonia, malaria, roseolla, and diarrhea. Malnutrition is still the main cause of death for children, at 54%. The birth rate is also very high, causing increased poverty.In recent years, progress has been made in Ethiopian health care. For example, children are given free vaccines against six childhood illnesses in public health care facilities"(Busuttil, 2012) .
Education-"School attendance became mandatory in 1997 for
children from 7 to 16 years of age. Education is not free, however, and school
fees are expensive. Education is much too expensive for many families, so some
children simply cannot attend. Only 13% of children are even enrolled in
secondary school"(Busuttil, 2012).
Discrimination- "Many children in different groups are
victims of real and present discrimination. This is especially true for
disabled children, refugees, AIDS orphans, and children of ethnic minorities.
Ethiopian girls are the main victims of this discrimination. More than a third
of them are not enrolled in school, but work instead as domestic servants"(Busuttil, 2012) .
Child Labor- "As in much of sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopian
parents often put their children to work for a variety of purposes. Boys are
sent into the fields, while girls sell spices in the market or work as domestic
servants"(Busuttil, 2012).
Child Trafficking-"Ethiopia has one of the ten highest rates
of slave trade, particularly for children of African origin. Each year, upwards
of 20,000 children, some as young as 10, are sold by their parents. According
to the International Organization for Migration, impoverished Ethiopian
families sell their children for the measly sum of around 1.20 US dollars. Each year many Ethiopian children are forced into domestic
service or, more frequently, into sex commerce or forced labor in the fields,
the mines, or fabric factories. Child marriage is one of the factors which
contribute to this trade.
In addition, many Ethiopian children are illegally adopted.
Adoption agencies team up with national authorities to round young Ethiopians
up for international adoption"(Busuttil, 2012).
Child Prostitution-"A significant number of children in
Ethiopia are victims of sexual exploitation, especially in urban areas.
Ethiopian girls are shipped off to the Middle East, especially to Lebanon,
Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. These girls, sometimes younger than 11 years old,
are gathered specifically for prostitution, and are usually not warned of the
dangers of AIDS"(Busuttil, 2012).
AIDS and Children-"According to UNAIDS, Ethiopia has the
highest percentage of AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan Africa, concerning about
886,820 children. A small number of them do have access to psychosocial,
educational, and nutritional care, but the current efforts fall short. These
orphans are forced to undertake the worst types of work in order to fulfill
their own needs. The government must work with local NGOs to decrease the
number of AIDS orphans. Street children-An estimated 150,000 children live on the
streets in Ethiopian cities. These vulnerable children, left to their own
devices, often take on dangerous and degrading work. They often fall victim to
drug addictions or sexual exploitation, and are routinely harassed by the
police"(Busuttil, 2012).
Female genital mutilation-"Female genital mutilation is a
common practice in Ethiopia. According to a study done in the 2000s, over 80%
of women had been subjected to this practice. In 2011, this figure reportedly
lowered to 74%. Today, more and more parents are becoming aware of the
health risks associated with this practice. Some districts have begun campaigns
to abolish female genital mutilation this practice, such as in Amibara and
Awash Fentale"(Busuttil, 2012).
Busuttil, F. (2012, March 15). Realizing Children’s Rights in Ethiopia. Retrieved from Humanium: