Saturday, November 21, 2015

"My Connections to Play."

Quotes about play


play items for your younger self

Image result for hide and seek


Playing jump rope outside was fun
All of the children in the neighborhood would get together and play
hide and seek for hours
What I enjoyed doing most as a child was riding my bike or going skating.

 Growing up as a child playing outside was supported by every adult.
Sometimes we were made to go outside and play. Adults would tell us to
go outside and play, and do not come back in until the street lights
were on. Nowadays I feel that children do not know what it is like to
go outside and play all day. We even went and played in the snow to
make snow angels and snowmen. Children today are more into technology
than physical activities. For example, my nephew is 3 and my twin
cousins are 2. When they are together everyone is on a tablet playing
a game, instead of enjoying each others company. This behavior is even
worst in children that are older. When my cousins and I had girl sleep
overs, we talked,played board games, and enjoyed each others company.
Now when my younger cousins have sleep overs, they are glued to their
phones instead of enjoying each other. Growing up I used to enjoy
visiting my cousins so that we can got outside and play. I also
enjoyed playing barbies and school with my younger sister. As I have
gotten older technology is way more advances, and it allow us to play
games with our friends without even being in the same place. Play also
changes as you get older. Now I consider play going out to the movies,
traveling, or going to dance with my friends. Play is a very essential
part of life and it can keep you stress free and happy.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Relationship Reflection

Relationships/partnerships are important to me because they make life so much easier. You have to have positive relationships at the work place, because you can get different insight and knowledge from your co-works. If you are struggling with something work related it is comforting to know that you have someone in the same atmosphere that understands what is going on. In your personal life it is good to have good relationships with the people closest to you because you never know what life will throw at you, so when you have great relationships with people you never have to go through hard times alone.
I have several relationships in my life that are important to me, but I am not going to address them in this post because it will be a contradiction of my post “Personal Childhood Web” for July 2015, feel free to take a look at it. As of right now, I am at a point in my life where my most important relationship is with my daughter.  From the day I laid eyes on her I knew that my life was going to change for the better. I have now became: a role model, a teacher, a provider, a friend, a playmate, a doctor, and so much more, but most importantly a mother. I have made a promise to myself to be the best mother I can be and never fail her. Everything that I do now, I do it with her in mind, including deciding to continue my education. Even though she is only a year old, I am developing a positive relationship. After work we have a hour of play time together, dinner where we enjoy a meal together, bath time where we sing songs, story time, then bed. Our day to day routine is establishing a bond between us.  As for my family members in my childhood web they are all partnerships, because they all work together to make sure whatever decision I make in life is one that I really want. They help and support me in whatever I do.  
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