are two people in my life that support me and encourage me to be better on a
daily bases, which are my mother and my child’s grandmother. Every day they
call to check up on me and my baby. When I want to give up on this school
situation, they encourage me to keep going. My mother understand what is like
to be single mother working two jobs and in school. She pushes me and remind me
that the outcome will be greater than the struggle. My child’s grandmother
helps me with whatever I need her for, especially when it comes to the baby.
She sends me daily words of encouragement and scriptures. They both want what
is best for me and try their hardest to keep me from giving up. Their support benefit
me, because when I think all odds are against me, I know that there are people
rooting for me and believe in me. Without their support and love I do not think
I would be here writing this post. I would have given up on school and just continue
to work and care for my child the best way I could. If they were gone I do not
know what I would do. Yes I have other support system, but there is nothing
like a mother’s love.