Saturday, April 23, 2016

When I Think Research

The last seven weeks has been a great learning experience. I have learned about different methods of research and the ethical rules of research. Before taking this course I knew that research takes time, but I was not aware of all of the different things that you have to take in consideration when doing research ( age, gender, culture, etc.). I learned that you always have to have the parents and the child’s consent before doing a research. Sometimes we over look children like they do not have their own mind. One of the challenges that I encounter was telling the difference between quantitative approach and qualitative approach. After reading the chapter several times and doing my own research on the topics, I better understood each approach. One way that my perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course is that I have more respect for researchers. There is a lot of work that goes into their job, and it could take year just to result for one research.


  1. Brittany,
    I too have a great deal more respect for researchers in any field. There are so many different variables that go into a research project that I did not have any idea about. I am sure that what we learned in our class is just the tip of information that is required in a research project. Something that I found very useful during these past 8 weeks was the dictionary. I have not had to use a dictionary during the last few years but for this class I dusted it off and referred to it quite often in this class.
    The information you always posted has been very informative, Thank You and Good Luck in your future endeavors!

    Tana Isenhour

  2. Brittany,
    I too have a great deal more respect for researchers in any field. There are so many different variables that go into a research project that I did not have any idea about. I am sure that what we learned in our class is just the tip of information that is required in a research project. Something that I found very useful during these past 8 weeks was the dictionary. I have not had to use a dictionary during the last few years but for this class I dusted it off and referred to it quite often in this class.
    The information you always posted has been very informative, Thank You and Good Luck in your future endeavors!

    Tana Isenhour

  3. Learning about all the considerations needed to conduct research and the requirements to use children in a study was surprising for me as well. I also had a hard time telling the difference between the two studies as well. Thank you for sharing for sharing your thoughts these past 8 weeks. They have been informative.
