Saturday, March 19, 2016

Research that Benefits Children and Families—Uplifting Stories

The topic that I would choose is cancer in children. “Childhood cancers make up less than 1% of all cancers diagnosed each year. About 10,380 children in the United States under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer in 2016. Childhood cancer rates have been rising slightly for the past few decades.
Because of major treatment advances in recent decades, more than 80% of children with cancer now survive 5 years or more. Overall, this is a huge increase since the mid-1970s, when the 5-year survival rate was about 58%. Still, survival rates vary depending on the type of cancer and other factors. Survival rates for different cancer types are listed in the section “Surviving childhood cancer.”
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in children (after accidents). About 1,250 children younger than 15 years old are expected to die from cancer in 2016”(
If I was to do a research on curing cancer I would not only save the lives of children, but adults. Millions of lives would be saved and people would be much more happier because of the death rates would drop tremendously.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Your Personal Research Journey

For this course I chose to focus on the effects of ones environment on the brain. I chose this topic because I am interested in finding out how does the environment you live in really effect a person. Most of the subjects or topics that I choose in this field is based off of me wanting to have more understanding about my own child. Through this weeks discussion I have learned how to determine quality resources and what to look for when doing research.